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Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube

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YGOPro Name : gogata05
Duel Points : 200
HS Record : 0-0-0
CFV Record : 0-0-0
YGO Record : 0-0-0
Posts : 16
Location : Bulgaria

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Empty
PostSubject: Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 29, 2015 10:16 pm

Hi guys. Im Georgi and  i want to introduce my Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube . Tell me what u like what u dont like. im open for suggestions  lol!

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube

[img]Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Judgme20[/img]
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HS Name : Tensa#2364
CFV Name : UltraViolet
YGOPro Name : Tensa
Duel Points : 1120
HS Record : 1-0-0
CFV Record : 0-0-0
YGO Record : 2-0-2
Posts : 214
Location : Ireland

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 31, 2015 2:09 pm

Nice Channel gogata though i think you should post duels with the deck profiles most your videos are just decks profiles used in tournaments got of somewhere like


which give you the ygopro deck file this will turn a lot of people off your videos/channel would you click on another video from a channel you know didn't put any real effort into making videos? you do have other good videos but the deck profile ones which make up most your channel will be the ones most people will see at the side or in the search so you can either post less of these type of videos or improve them which can be done a few ways.

.You can add duels to the deck profile this will keep people watching since most people want to see what a deck can do.

.Combos you can show people combos the deck can do either by showing the card pics like this

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Magicianrhino_gladiator_0503

or you can show the combos using ygopro

.You can also tell people what the main cards are in the deck usually people talk in the videos when doing this but you can write it beside a card pic & do it that way.

you have some good videos which do some of these things keep doing that it shows what you can really do & shows potential.

Sorry if i offended you i just don't want to see a few videos ruin the others your doing what a lot of people talk about doing but never do me included i talked about the idea of making vids like what your doing at 1 point for my channel but never did it so don't let it go to waste.
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YGOPro Name : gogata05
Duel Points : 200
HS Record : 0-0-0
CFV Record : 0-0-0
YGO Record : 0-0-0
Posts : 16
Location : Bulgaria

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 31, 2015 3:21 pm

Tensa wrote:
Nice Channel gogata though i think you should post duels with the deck profiles most your videos are just decks profiles used in tournaments got of somewhere like


which give you the ygopro deck file this will turn a lot of people off your videos/channel would you click on another video from a channel you know didn't put any real effort into making videos? you do have other good videos but the deck profile ones which make up most your channel will be the ones most people will see at the side or in the search so you can either post less of these type of videos or improve them which can be done a few ways.

.You can add duels to the deck profile this will keep people watching since most people want to see what a deck can do.

.Combos you can show people combos the deck can do either by showing the card pics like this

Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Magicianrhino_gladiator_0503

or you can show the combos using ygopro

.You can also tell people what the main cards are in the deck usually people talk in the videos when doing this but you can write it beside a card pic & do it that way.

you have some good videos which do some of these things keep doing that it shows what you can really do & shows potential.

Sorry if i offended you i just don't want to see a few videos ruin the others your doing what a lot of people talk about doing but never do me included i talked about the idea of making vids like what your doing at 1 point for my channel but never did it so don't let it go to waste.
im doing that 1 min deck profiles only for the people who are too lazy to build a ygopro deck like me myself lol
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Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube Youtube Channel - Yu-Gi-Oh-Tube  I_icon_minitime

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